Source code for prototype.repository_classifier

from operator import add

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.externals import joblib
from sklearn.neighbors.nearest_centroid import NearestCentroid

from os import path

from .utility_funcs.preprocessing_operations import initInputParameters, readVocabFromFile
from .interface_repository_classifier import Interface_RepoClassifier

from sklearn import preprocessing

import os
from .github_repo import GithubRepo
from pathlib import Path

[docs]class RepositoryClassifier(Interface_RepoClassifier): def __init__(self, bUseStringFeatures=True): """ constructor which initializes member variables """ self.bModelLoaded = False self.bModelTrained = False self.clf = None self.lstMeanValues = None self.lstVoc = None self.stdScaler = None self.lstTrainLabels = None self.lstTrainData = None self.normalizer = None self.bUseCentroids = True self.normalizerIntegerAttr = None # self.scaler = None self.lstTrainDataRaw = None self.lstStrCategories = ['DEV', 'HW', 'EDU', 'DOCS', 'WEB', 'DATA', 'OTHER'] = path.dirname(__file__) print( self.bUseStringFeatures = bUseStringFeatures # get the project-directory self.strProjectDir = str(Path().resolve().parent) print('strProjectDir:', self.strProjectDir) self.strModelPath = + '/model/' # Create model-directory if needed if not os.path.exists(self.strModelPath): os.makedirs(self.strModelPath) self.strModelFileName = 'RepositoryClassifier.pkl' self.strLstMeanValuesFileName = 'lstMeanValues.pkl' self.strMatIntegerTrainingData = 'matIntegerTrainingData.pkl' self.strLstTrainLabels = 'lstTrainLabels.pkl' self.strLstTrainData = 'lstTrainData.pkl' self.strNormalizer = 'normalizer.pkl' self.strNormalizerIntegerAttr = 'normalizerIntegerAttr.pkl' self.strLstTrainDataRaw = 'lstTrainDataRaw.pkl' self.iNumCategories = len(self.lstStrCategories) self.matIntegerTrainingData = []
[docs] def loadTrainingData(self, strProjPathFileNameCSV ='/data/csv/additional_data_sets_cleaned.csv', externalpath=None): """ trains the model with a given csv-file. the csv file must have 2 columns URL and CATEGORY. the URL is given in the form '' the CATEGORY is given by one of these options 'DEV', 'HW', 'EDU', 'DOCS', 'WEB', 'DATA', 'OTHER' :param strProjPathFileNameCSV: file path relative to the project-path where the csv-file is stored :return: self.lstTrainData (the scaled and normed data with which the model was trained with), self.lstTrainLabels (the used training labels) """ trainData = None if externalpath is None: trainData = pd.read_csv( + strProjPathFileNameCSV, header=0, delimiter=",") else: trainData = pd.read_csv(strProjPathFileNameCSV, header=0, delimiter=",") iNumTrainData = len(trainData.index) print("iNumTrainData: ", iNumTrainData) print('~~~~~~~~~~ EXTRACTING FEATURES ~~~~~~~~~~') lstGithubRepo = [] for i in range(iNumTrainData): # fill the list with GithubRepo-Objects lstGithubRepo.append(GithubRepo.fromURL(trainData["URL"][i])) # fill the train and the label-data self.lstTrainData = [] self.lstTrainDataRaw = [] self.lstTrainLabels = [] print('~~~~~~~~~~ CALCULATE THE MEAN VALUES ~~~~~~~~~~') self.lstMeanValues = [0] * 7 i = 0 for tmpRepo in lstGithubRepo: # lstMeanValues += tmpGithubRepo.getIntegerFeatures() self.lstMeanValues = list(map(add, self.lstMeanValues, tmpRepo.getIntegerFeatures())) # find the according label as an intger for the current repository # the label is defined in trainData self.lstTrainLabels.append(self.lstStrCategories.index(trainData["CATEGORY"][i])) i += 1 # Divide each element with the number of training data self.lstMeanValues[:] = [x / iNumTrainData for x in self.lstMeanValues] print('lstMeanValues: ', self.lstMeanValues) print('~~~~~~~~~~ GET THE VOCABULARY ~~~~~~~~~~') strVocabPath = + '/vocab/' # Create vocab-directory if needed directory if not os.path.exists(strVocabPath): os.makedirs(strVocabPath) strVocabPath += 'vocabList.dump' self.lstVoc = initInputParameters(strVocabPath, lstGithubRepo) print('lstVoc: ', self.lstVoc) print('len(lstVoc): ', len(self.lstVoc)) lstInputFeatures = [] lstInputFeaturesRaw = [] for tmpRepo in lstGithubRepo: lstIntegerAttributes = tmpRepo.getNormedFeatures(self.lstMeanValues) lstInputFeaturesRaw = tmpRepo.getIntegerFeatures() lstInputFeatures = lstIntegerAttributes self.matIntegerTrainingData.append(tmpRepo.getNormedFeatures(self.lstMeanValues)) if self.bUseStringFeatures: lstInputFeatures += tmpRepo.getWordOccurences(self.lstVoc) lstInputFeaturesRaw += tmpRepo.getWordOccurences(self.lstVoc) lstInputFeatures += tmpRepo.getRepoLanguageAsVector() lstInputFeaturesRaw += tmpRepo.getRepoLanguageAsVector() # test using unnormed features self.lstTrainData.append(lstInputFeatures) self.lstTrainDataRaw.append(lstInputFeaturesRaw) print("lstTrainData:") print(self.lstTrainData) print("lstTrainLabels:") print(self.lstTrainLabels) print('self.matIntegerTrainingData') print(self.matIntegerTrainingData) print('~~~~~~~~~~ NORMALIZE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~') self.normalizer = preprocessing.Normalizer() self.normalizerIntegerAttr = preprocessing.Normalizer() self.lstTrainData = self.normalizer.transform(self.lstTrainData) return self.lstTrainData, self.lstTrainLabels
[docs] def trainModel(self, lstTrainData, lstTrainLabels): """ trains the model called self.clf with the given trainData and trainLabels :param lstTrainData: list :param lstTrainLabels: :return: """ print('~~~~~~~~~~ TRAIN THE MODEL ~~~~~~~~~~') # train the nearest neighbour-model # "the shrink_threshold" parameter has only negative impact on the prediction results self.clf = NearestCentroid() # test out other classifiers # self.clf = KNeighborsClassifier() # self.clf = SVC() # self.clf = RadiusNeighborsClassifier(radius=100) # self.clf = MLPClassifier() # self.clf = GaussianProcessClassifier() # self.clf = LogisticRegression() # self.fit_transform(), lstTrainLabels) # this will break the machine # self.plotTheResult(lstTrainData, lstTrainLabels) self.bModelTrained = True
[docs] def plotTheResult(self,lstTrainData, lstTrainLabels): """ this is currently empty -> see the plots in the GUI instead :param lstTrainData: matrix which was used for training :param lstTrainLabels: labels which were used for training :return: """ pass
[docs] def exportModelToFile(self): """ exports the trained model and the mean values of the input variables to './model/' the export is done via joblib.dump() to .pkl-file :return: """ if self.bModelTrained: print('~~~~~~~~~~ SAVE MODEL TO FILE ~~~~~~~') # # # save the trained classifier to a file joblib.dump(self.clf, self.strModelPath + self.strModelFileName) joblib.dump(self.lstMeanValues, self.strModelPath + self.strLstMeanValuesFileName) joblib.dump(self.matIntegerTrainingData, self.strModelPath + self.strMatIntegerTrainingData) joblib.dump(self.lstTrainLabels, self.strModelPath + self.strLstTrainLabels) joblib.dump(self.lstTrainData, self.strModelPath + self.strLstTrainData) joblib.dump(self.normalizer, self.strModelPath + self.strNormalizer) joblib.dump(self.normalizerIntegerAttr, self.strModelPath + self.strNormalizerIntegerAttr) joblib.dump(self.lstTrainDataRaw, self.strModelPath + self.strLstTrainDataRaw)
[docs] def loadModelFromFile(self): """ loads / imports the model-object from './model/RepositoryClassifier.pkl' and the list of the mean values from './model/lstMeanValues.pkl' :return: """ print('~~~~~~~~~~ LOAD THE MODEL ~~~~~~~~~~~') # load the classifier from the file self.clf = joblib.load(self.strModelPath + self.strModelFileName) self.lstMeanValues = joblib.load(self.strModelPath + self.strLstMeanValuesFileName) # load the integer training data for later plotting self.matIntegerTrainingData = joblib.load(self.strModelPath + self.strMatIntegerTrainingData) self.lstTrainLabels = joblib.load(self.strModelPath + self.strLstTrainLabels) self.lstTrainData = joblib.load(self.strModelPath + self.strLstTrainData) self.normalizer = joblib.load(self.strModelPath + self.strNormalizer) self.normalizerIntegerAttr = joblib.dump(self.normalizerIntegerAttr, self.strModelPath + self.strNormalizerIntegerAttr) self.lstTrainDataRaw = joblib.load(self.strModelPath + self.strLstTrainDataRaw) print('lstMeanValues: ', self.lstMeanValues) print('~~~~~~~~~~ GET THE VOCABULARY ~~~~~~~~~~') strVocabPath = + '/vocab/' strVocabPath += 'vocabList.dump' self.lstVoc = readVocabFromFile(strVocabPath) # only print out the first 7 and the last 7 entries # print('len(self.lstVoc):', len(self.lstVoc)) if len(self.lstVoc) > 14: print("[", end="") print(*self.lstVoc[:7], sep=", ", end=" ") print('...', end=" ") print(*self.lstVoc[-7:], sep=", ", end="") print("]") self.bModelLoaded = True return self.clf, self.lstMeanValues, self.matIntegerTrainingData, self.lstTrainLabels, self.lstTrainData, self.normalizer, self.normalizerIntegerAttr, self.lstTrainDataRaw
[docs] def predictResultsAndCompare(self, strProjPathFileNameCSV = '/data/csv/manual_classification_appendix_b.csv'): # '/data/csv/additional_data_sets_cleaned.csv'): """ loads a csv-file with of layout 'URL, CATEGORY, CATEGORY_ALTERNATIVE_1,CATEGORY_ALTERNATIVE_2' the URL is given in the format '' the CATEGORY, CATEGORY_ALTERNATIVE_1,CATEGORY_ALTERNATIVE_2 is given by one of these options 'DEV', 'HW', 'EDU', 'DOCS', 'WEB', 'DATA', 'OTHER' After the predicition phase the result is compared with the given CATEGORY and CATEGORY_ALTERNATIVES A verification matrix is created and the accuracy is calculated from 0.0 to 1.0 :param strProjPathFileNameCSV: path relative to the project-path where the csv file is stored :return: the accuracy value (0.0 - 1.0) """ if not self.bModelLoaded and not self.bModelTrained: print('the model hasn\'t been loaded or trained yet') return print('~~~~~~~~~~ CREATE VERITY COMP MATRIX ~~~~~~~~') print('~~~~~~~~~~ PREDICT RESULTS ~~~~~~~~~~') # classify the result # read the unlabeled data set from a csv dtUnlabeledData = pd.read_csv( + strProjPathFileNameCSV, header=0, delimiter=",") # , nrows=iNumOfPredictions) # iNumOfPredictions = len(dtUnlabeledData.index) print('~~~~~~~~~~~ CREATE VERITY MATRIX ~~~~~~~~~~~~') matPredictionTarget = np.zeros((iNumOfPredictions, self.iNumCategories)) # use a verity matrix to validate the result matPredictionRes = np.copy(matPredictionTarget) matPredictionResWithAlt = np.copy(matPredictionTarget) for i in range(iNumOfPredictions): # set the verity matrix strTarget = dtUnlabeledData["CATEGORY"][i] strTargetAlt1 = dtUnlabeledData["CATEGORY_ALTERNATIVE_1"][i] strTargetAlt2 = dtUnlabeledData["CATEGORY_ALTERNATIVE_2"][i] print('strTarget: ', strTarget) if pd.notnull(strTargetAlt1): print('strTargetAlt1:', strTargetAlt1) matPredictionTarget[i, self.lstStrCategories.index(strTargetAlt1)] = 1 if pd.notnull(strTargetAlt2): print('strTargetAlt2:', strTargetAlt2) matPredictionTarget[i, self.lstStrCategories.index(strTargetAlt2)] = 1 iLabel, iLabelAlt, lstFinalPercentages, tmpRepo, lstNormedInputFeatures = self.predictCategoryFromURL(dtUnlabeledData["URL"][i]) matPredictionTarget[i, self.lstStrCategories.index(strTarget)] = 1 print() matPredictionRes[i, iLabel] = 1 matPredictionResWithAlt[i, iLabel] = 1 matPredictionResWithAlt[i, iLabelAlt] = 1 matPredictionResultByCategory = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]] for i in range(0, iNumOfPredictions): for j in range(0, 7): if matPredictionRes[i][j] == 1: if matPredictionRes[i][j] == matPredictionTarget[i][j]: matPredictionResultByCategory[j][0] += 1 matPredictionResultByCategory[j][1] += 1 print("i, j", i, j, matPredictionResultByCategory) else: matPredictionResultByCategory[j][0] += 1 print("i, j, not", i, j, matPredictionResultByCategory) for i in range (0, len(matPredictionResultByCategory)): matPredictionResultByCategory[i][2] = matPredictionResultByCategory[i][1] / matPredictionResultByCategory[i][0] self.__printResult(tmpRepo, iLabel, iLabelAlt) print('verity matrix for matPredictionTarget:\n ', matPredictionTarget) print('verity matrix for matPredictionRes:\n ', matPredictionRes) matCompRes = np.multiply(matPredictionTarget, matPredictionRes) matCompResAlt = np.multiply(matPredictionTarget, matPredictionResWithAlt) fPredictionRes = sum(matCompRes.flatten()) / iNumOfPredictions fPredictionResWithAlt = sum(matCompResAlt.flatten()) / iNumOfPredictions print('fPredictionRes:', fPredictionRes) print('fPredictionResWithAlt:', fPredictionResWithAlt) fAccuracy = fPredictionRes * 100 print('fAccuracy: ', fAccuracy, '%\n') print('DEV: found:', matPredictionResultByCategory[0][0], ', correct:', matPredictionResultByCategory[0][1], ', reliability:', matPredictionResultByCategory[0][2] * 100, '%', '\nHW: found:', matPredictionResultByCategory[1][0], ', correct:', matPredictionResultByCategory[1][1], ', reliability:', matPredictionResultByCategory[1][2] * 100, '%', '\nEDU: found:', matPredictionResultByCategory[2][0], ', correct:', matPredictionResultByCategory[2][1], ', reliability:', matPredictionResultByCategory[2][2] * 100, '%', '\nDOCS: found:', matPredictionResultByCategory[3][0], ', correct:', matPredictionResultByCategory[3][1], ', reliability:', matPredictionResultByCategory[3][2] * 100, '%', '\nWEB: found:', matPredictionResultByCategory[4][0], ', correct:', matPredictionResultByCategory[4][1], ', reliability:', matPredictionResultByCategory[4][2] * 100, '%', '\nDATA: found:', matPredictionResultByCategory[5][0], ', correct:', matPredictionResultByCategory[5][1], ', reliability:', matPredictionResultByCategory[5][2] * 100, '%', '\nOTHER: found:', matPredictionResultByCategory[6][0], ', correct:', matPredictionResultByCategory[6][1], ', reliability:', matPredictionResultByCategory[6][2] * 100, '%') return fPredictionRes
[docs] def predictCategoryFromOwnerRepoName(self, strUser, strRepoName): """ predicts the category for a repository which is given by the user and repo-name :param strUser: owner of the repository :param strRepoName: name of the repository :return: """ tmpRepo = GithubRepo(strUser, strRepoName) return self.predictCategoryFromGitHubRepoObj(tmpRepo)
[docs] def predictCategoryFromURL(self, strGitHubRepoURL): """ loads the features of a given repository by URL and the model predicts its category-label :param strGitHubRepoURL: url to the repository :return: label value form 0 - 6, lst of the precentages for the other categories """ try: tmpRepo = GithubRepo.fromURL(strGitHubRepoURL) except Exception as ex: raise ex return self.predictCategoryFromGitHubRepoObj(tmpRepo)
[docs] def predictCategoryFromGitHubRepoObj(self, tmpRepo): """ predicts the category for a GithubRepo-Object :param tmpRepo: GithubRepo-Object :return: iLabel, iLabelAlt, lstFinalPercentages, tmpRepo, lstNormedInputFeatures """ lstNormedInputFeatures = tmpRepo.getNormedFeatures(self.lstMeanValues) if self.bUseStringFeatures: lstNormedInputFeatures += tmpRepo.getWordOccurences(self.lstVoc) lstNormedInputFeatures += tmpRepo.getRepoLanguageAsVector() # apply pre-processing lstNormedInputFeatures = np.array(lstNormedInputFeatures).reshape(1, len(lstNormedInputFeatures)) lstNormedInputFeatures = self.normalizer.transform(lstNormedInputFeatures) # reshape Input Features -> otherwise a deprecation warning occurs iLabel = int(self.clf.predict(lstNormedInputFeatures)) if self.bUseCentroids is True: matCentroids = self.clf.centroids_ lstFinalPercentages = self.predictProbaNearestCentroids(matCentroids, lstNormedInputFeatures) else: lstFinalPercentages = self.clf.predict_proba(lstNormedInputFeatures) iLabelAlt = self.getLabelAlternative(lstFinalPercentages) self.__printResult(tmpRepo, iLabel, iLabelAlt, bPrintWordHits=False) return iLabel, iLabelAlt, lstFinalPercentages, tmpRepo, lstNormedInputFeatures
[docs] def getLabelAlternative(self, lstFinalPercentages): """ gets the first alternative (the seoond result) :param lstFinalPercentages: percentages lsit for the single categories :return: integer label which describes the category """ # copy the percentages in an additional list lstFinalPercentagesCopy = [] lstFinalPercentagesCopy = lstFinalPercentages[:] # get the s iMaxIndex = lstFinalPercentagesCopy.index(max(lstFinalPercentagesCopy)) lstFinalPercentagesCopy[iMaxIndex] = 0 iSecondMaxIndex = lstFinalPercentagesCopy.index(max(lstFinalPercentagesCopy)) return iSecondMaxIndex
[docs] def predictProbaNearestCentroids(self, matCentroids, lstInputFeatures): """ because predictProba was missing in the default functionality for nearest-centroid the probability is now calculated via the distances to the different centroids :param matCentroids: matrix of the centroids for each category :param lstInputFeatures: full normed input feature list for which the prediction is based on :return: """ lstFinalPercentages = [] fDistSum = 0 lstDistances = [] for i, centroid in enumerate(matCentroids): fDist = np.linalg.norm([lstInputFeatures] - centroid) lstDistances.append((i, fDist)) fDistSum += fDist lstDistances.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) lstPercentages = [] for i, fDist in enumerate(lstDistances): lstPercentages.append(lstDistances[i][1] / fDistSum) lstDistancesReordered = [] for i, fPercentage in enumerate(reversed(lstPercentages)): lstDistancesReordered.append((lstDistances[i][0], fPercentage)) lstDistancesReordered.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) for i, fPercentage in enumerate(lstDistancesReordered): lstFinalPercentages.append(fPercentage[1]) print('{:15s} {:3f}'.format(self.lstStrCategories[i], fPercentage[1])) return lstFinalPercentages
def __printResult(self, tmpRepo, iLabel, iLabelAlt, bPrintWordHits=False): """ prints the repository name and its category by using the iLabel :param tmpRepo: given repository :param iLabel: previously predicted label :return: """ strStopper1 = "=" * 80 strStopper2 = "-" * 80 print(strStopper1) if bPrintWordHits is True: if self.bUseStringFeatures: lstOccurence = tmpRepo.getWordOccurences(self.lstVoc) tmpRepo.printFeatureOccurences(tmpRepo.getDicFoundWords()) print('Prediction for ' + tmpRepo.getName() + ', ' + tmpRepo.getUser() + ': ', end="") print(self.lstStrCategories[iLabel]) if iLabelAlt is not None: print('Alternative: ', self.lstStrCategories[iLabelAlt]) print(strStopper2)