Source code for io_agent

Created on 11.12.2016 19:59
@project: GitHubRepositoryClassifier

@author: QueensGambit

The InputOutputAgent loads data (json-Data, README...) from a given repository which
 is defined by strUser and strName. If the needed data has already been requested before,
 then is loaded from a file. Otherwise a new connection is created.
 By default the autorization of the connection is done with an API-Token
from _ast import In

from clyent import json_help
from import Input

import json
import requests
import base64

# for installtion use:
# pip install
from github3 import GitHub
from github3 import login
import os

[docs]class InputOutputAgent: __gh = None __bWithToken = False __bWithTokenUpdated = False __bRedownload = False def __init__(self, strUser, strName): """ Initializes the member variables :param strUser: username of the owner of the repository :param strName: name of the repository :param bWithToken: checks if a github-token shall be used for a higher api-limit """ self.strUser = strUser self.strName = strName self.strAPIUrl = "" + strUser + "/" + strName self.lstReadmePath = {"" + strUser + "/" + strName + "/master/", "" + strUser + "/" + strName + "/master/README.rst"} @staticmethod
[docs] def setRedownload(bRedownload): """ sets up if the readme and json-file shall get redownload :param bRedownload: true, false :return: """ InputOutputAgent.__bRedownload = bRedownload
[docs] def setWithToken(bWithToken): """ sets up if the github token shall be used for connection to github :param bWithToken: true, false :return: """ if bWithToken is not InputOutputAgent.__bWithToken: # if InputOutputAgent.__gh: # InputOutputAgent.__gh.close() # there is no .close() method try: InputOutputAgent.__connectToGitHub(bWithToken) InputOutputAgent.__bWithToken = bWithToken InputOutputAgent.__bWithTokenUpdated = True except Exception as e: raise e
@staticmethod def __connectToGitHub(bWithToken): """ private method to establish a connection to github :param bWithToken: true, false :return: """ if InputOutputAgent.__gh is None or InputOutputAgent.__bWithTokenUpdated: if bWithToken: # the TokenGithubAPI is stored as an environment-variable try: InputOutputAgent.__gh = login(token=str(os.environ['TokenGithubAPI'])) InputOutputAgent.__bWithTokenUpdated = False print('GithubToken is used for connection') except Exception as ex: raise ConnectionError('no connection to GitHub could be established') else: try: InputOutputAgent.__gh = GitHub() InputOutputAgent.__bWithTokenUpdated = False print('No GithubToken is used for connection') except Exception as ex: raise ConnectionError('no connection to GitHub could be established') # get rate limit information rates = InputOutputAgent.__gh.rate_limit() print('normal ratelimit info: ', rates['resources']['core']) # => your normal ratelimit info print('search ratelimit info: ', rates['resources']['search']) # => your search ratelimit info
[docs] def loadJSONdata(self, strPathJSON): """ loads the requested json-data either from a file or alternatively from the web files are exported in the './json/' directory if they were requested """ jsonAPI = None # check if the json file has already been requested and was saved if os.path.isfile(strPathJSON) and InputOutputAgent.__bRedownload is False: # read from it print("[INFO] Using locally cached version of repository") with open(strPathJSON) as jsonData: try: if jsonData is None: print("jsonData=None exception: ", strPathJSON) jsonAPI = json.load(jsonData) except Exception as ex: raise ImportError('the json-data couldn\'t be loaded from the file: ' + strPathJSON) raise ex else: InputOutputAgent.__connectToGitHub(InputOutputAgent.__bWithToken) repo = InputOutputAgent.__gh.repository(self.strUser, self.strName) if repo: jsonAPI = repo.as_dict() # .as_json() returns json.dumps(obj.as_dict()) # export to json-file with open(strPathJSON, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(jsonAPI, outfile) print('json-data was exported to: ', strPathJSON) else: raise ConnectionError('the given repository is not accessible') return jsonAPI, self.strAPIUrl, self.lstReadmePath
[docs] def getReadme(self, strPathReadme): """ Gets the content from the Redme as a string. The Readme is either loaded from file or web. :param strPathReadme: path were the readme is loaded and exported to :return: """ # Create readme directory if not os.path.exists(strPathReadme): os.makedirs(strPathReadme) strPathReadme += '\\' + self.strUser + '_' + self.strName + '.txt' # Check if readme exists already. If so, open it. if os.path.isfile(strPathReadme) and InputOutputAgent.__bRedownload is False: return open(strPathReadme).read() else: InputOutputAgent.__connectToGitHub(InputOutputAgent.__bWithToken) repo = InputOutputAgent.__gh.repository(self.strUser, self.strName) code64readme = repo.readme().content # If the content of the received readme is a string and not a NullObject create # a new file in directory. Otherwise create an empty file to prevent checking a # repo twice. if repo: if isinstance(code64readme, str): strReadme = str(base64.b64decode(code64readme)) else: strReadme = "" file = open(strPathReadme, "w") file.write(strReadme) print('readme was exported to: ', strPathReadme) else: raise ConnectionError('the given repository is not accessible') return strReadme